Our services.
Only the best service that we provide to you.
A trusted and member-centric, one-stop financial services provider, CRECCS caters to the diverse financial needs of Members ,directly or indirectly, through its various products namely the Fixed Deposit, Recurring Deopsit, Loans, Welfare Schemes ( Scholarships, Medical grants, Cash Awards etc) & Related Services. Please note Below details are wef from 01/01/2017.
Fixed Deposit

A fixed deposit account allows you to deposit your money for a set period of time, thereby earning you a higher rate of in return. Fixed deposits also give you a higher rate of interest than a savings bank account.
Fixed Deposit Scheme |
From 45 days to 180 days | 6.50% p.a. |
From 181 days to 1 year | 6.75% p.a. |
From (1 year + 1 day) to 3 years | 7.00% p.a. |
More than (3 years+ 1 day) | 7.00% p.a. |
3 years (Interest on maturity) | 7.50% p.a. |
5 years - Minimum amt to be deposited INR 50,000 - No maximum deposit Limit - Interest payble will be Quarterly / Half yearly / Yearly - Maturity date must be before retirement date | 8% p.a. |
Recurring Deposit

Accumulating a particular amount periodically, to help us during various occasions of unexpected financial burden. It is a good saving instrument for ordinary middle class, which has a fixed amount of revenue as its monthly income.
Recurring Deposit Scheme |
For 1 year | 6.50 % p.a. |
For 2 years | 7.00 % p.a. |
For 3 years | 7.50% p.a. |
For 5 years | 8.00% p.a. |
Saving Deposit

Under this Scheme, rate of interest will be 4% w.e.f. 01/09/2020
Double Deposit

Under this Scheme, the Deposits will be doubled in 100 Months.

loans will be granted on the basis of below parameters given in table.
Revised rules governing advancing of loans
Length of Service | Min./case | Max/case | Months' Pay |
1 Years to less than 5 years | Rs. 6,00,000/- | Rs. 25,00,000/- | 17 |
5 Years to less than 10 years | Rs. 6,50,000/- | Rs. 25,00,000/- | 18 |
10 Years to less than 15 years | Rs. 7,00,000/- | Rs. 25,00,000/- | 19 |
15 Years to less than 20 years | Rs. 7,50,000/- | Rs. 25,00,000/- | 21 |
20 Years and above | Rs. 8,00,000/- | Rs. 25,00,000/- | 22 |
C.M.T.D. Scheme

Under Compulsory Monthly Thrift Deposit Scheme rate of interest will be 8.50% w.e.f. 01/10/2023 Onwards
Compulsory Monthly Thrift Deposit Subscription |
Refer below for pay range and amount |
Pay upto Rs. 25,000/- | Rs. 1300/- per month |
Pay from 25,001 to Rs. 50,000/- | Rs. 1800/- per month |
Pay from Rs. 50,001/- and above | Rs. 2200/- per month |
Monthly Income scheme

specially designed for shareholder
Monthly Income Scheme |
Refer below for particulars and rate of interest. Period of deposit 3 years and interest payable monthly. |
For minimum amount of Rs. 1,00,000/- and a maximum deposit limit of Rs. 10,00,000 (Rupees Ten Lacs) per depositor w.e.f. 01/10/2017 Onwards. | 7.0% p.a. |
Lakhpati Bano Yojana

By contributing an amount of Rs. 1,000/- per month regularly upto 80 months, Maturity Amount will be Rs. 1,00,000 payble in 81st month.
Medical Grant

Medical grant paid from welfare fund will be granted on the basis of below parameters given in table.
Medical Grant for | Existing | revised |
T.B. | Rs. 15,000/- | Rs. 25,000/- |
Paralysis | Rs. 15,000/- | Rs. 25,000/- |
HIV | Rs. 15,000/- | Rs. 25,000/- |
Kidney Failure | Rs. 25,000/- | Rs. 50,000/- |
Cancer | Rs. 25,000/- | Rs. 50,000/- |
Liver Transplantation | Rs. 25,000/- | Rs. 50,000/- |
Cash Award and Special Cash Award

Cash Award and Special cash award will be granted on the basis of below parameters given in table.
SSC/HSC | Marks | Award |
For all categories | 50% to 84.99% | Rs. 1000/- |
Physically Handicapped (more than 40% Disablement, Medical certificate reqd. ) | 50% and Above | Rs. 1000/- |
Blind Wards/Dependent of shareholders/Blind Shareholders | 50% and Above | Rs. 10,000/- |
Special Cash Awards | ||
S.S.C./ H.S.C. | 85% TO 89.99% | Rs. 1,500/- |
90% TO 94.99% | Rs. 2,000/- | |
95% and above | Rs. 2,500/- | |
Degree/Graduation | 60% and above | Rs. 2,500/- |
Post Graduation | 60% and above | Rs. 3,500/- |